Sector AA Library

83334/83336 documents are currently checked out.

Analysis of Spherical KZZ Materials in the nth dimension

by Frederick Mkxltrpnmd

833 characters have been found unreachable because of e-DEMONt was found that using spherical amounts of the KZZ-493 material allowed us to have it move in the forth dimension, through methods such as heat gradients. We found that the gradient defined with x, y coordinates as -4.333333333, 4 + e, respectively worked best. z and a would control location within sector, and heat temperature (between 881-1923K) determines depth through sectors.

Our lab gained permission from the MLADC to start placing spheres of KZZ-493 around the various sectors, allowing easy commute and travel, however in Global Time M331-14 an anomaly was found requiring us to render them unsafe, however, we have not been able to recall all and so many still exist. The anomaly found was related to the g1773 characters have been found unreachable because ofe-DEMON

Grammatical Analysis of the Language Anaran

by Frederick Mkxltrpnmd

18824 characters have been found unreachable because of e-DEMONd "nualaman" for example seems to deny the typical form of nouns, and instead be used as a verb, indicating that you are praising the person, whereas "nulamana" means to pra1932 characters have been found unreachable because of e-DEMON

This works on the honor system! we honor your right to live, dont waste it hahahahahahahah :3